
Parking Management

Monitor & manage parking

Manage your parking availability in real-time and remotely reserve
spaces for site visitors, with parking management options available for
both cars and bikes, categorised by space type.

key features:

  • Effortless parking reservations: With a user-friendly booking system, employees can easily reserve parking spots in advance for themselves or visitors.
  • Instantaneous space availability: Leverage ANPR technology to view available parking spaces, ensuring employees can quickly find and secure a spot without unnecessary delays.
  • Tailored parking options: Reserve specific types of spaces, such as EV charging or disabled, to accommodate a range of employee needs.
  • Interactive maps: View available parking areas using 3D maps, and easily navigate to your booked space.
  • Seamless workspace integration: Connect parking bookings directly with workspace access, allowing employees to seamlessly transition.

want to know more?

Book a demo call with us and find out how bookify can transform your workspace experience

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